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WARNING  large amounts of Leviticus contained inside.

Hopefully you’re here because like me, you love Leviticus. Leviticus sits at the heart of the Torah, but its tentacles pervade the entire Scriptures - lessons, allusions and references from Leviticus can be found ubiquitously throughout the Bible. 

Most of the content is written by myself, Phil Bray, and every article in this blog is written with Leviticus as its heartbeat - exploring everything from the psychology of sacrifice to the joy of Jubilee. Traces of Leviticus may be present - everywhere.

And… if you’re hungry for some bite sized pieces of Leviticus on YouTube, you’ll find my channel here:

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Hi. My name is Phil Bray. I live in Sydney Australia with my wife and 3 kids. I've been studying Leviticus, sacrifice and atonement for over 5 years. At some point I realised 2 things. First: I might have a problem. Second: I guess I'm writing a book now!

The premise for my book started with the question 'what is a living sacrifice?' and progressed to me being lost down a wombat warren investigating ancient sacrifice.

Here's my book tease.

When was the last time you smelled the incense and the roasting meat of a sacrifice? When was the last time you ate a sacrifice? It’s hard for us to know how to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, when we’re not familiar with a dead sacrifice. And it’s hard for us as modern people to understand how Jesus can be a sacrifice, unless we understand how ancient people understood sacrifice. That’s essentially the journey my book (and this blog) will explore; how ancient people experienced sacrifice - there will, of course be lots of Leviticus, but also other ancient peoples and Israel's neighbouring nations. Then with a new (ancient) lens through which to view Jesus as a sacrifice, we might be in a better place to ask what it means to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice today.

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